Wao 2020

Event / Music Festival

2019 / 2020, Italy

Responsible for the rebrand, design of the graphic concept and of all of their creatives for communication both online (social media posts, website) and offline (flyer, sticker).


Honoring our own voices and choices is not easy in a world that currently offers us more voices and choices than ever. Confusion, randomness and entropy are all elements of disorder that now, more than never, engulf the human experience. Humans are not made for this. We progressed from a state of simplicity and security to a state of complexity and randomness quite abruptly. Technology has allowed us to connect with each other even in the most remote places and expand our cognitive horizon in unprecedented ways. We thought that this would improve every aspect of our experience, but in reality we started to lose our Selfs in abstraction.

We must resist the tide that pulls us along with the crowd, and to do that we must celebrate who WE are. If we let our perceptions stay within narrow, fragmented realities, we’ll lack a wider awareness of ourselves and the world around us, as well as a deeper awareness of the sacred in us and around us. What you see is what you get – and with limited sight, life seems flat. Yet it can gain so much more color if we develop the ability to live in our higher as well as lower levels. Often the hardest part of this equation is learning to trust the process, savor the moments, and ultimately fall (back) in love with who we are.

Human nature is what it is. We cannot change the world as a whole, but we can definitely change our own world – thus commencing our journey of metanoia. Allowing us to embrace self-awareness and immerse into the totality of our own nucleus enables us to acknowledge, comprehend and master our higher and deeper levels, learning from our wild inner animals, and realizing the full potential of our own synergism – ultimately empowering us to become totally Free. The more fully human we become, the more fully we begin to be our real Selves. Metanoia turns us towards the light – our light – and shows us the path to return to our true, peaceful, connected Nature.

The fox, wild and energetic, symbolizes our personality, our inner nature, that whole complex pattern of thoughts, emotions, and mannerisms that comprise the person we believe ourselves to be. In reality our personality operates in a restrictive, conditioned program, reacting automatically to sensory inputs; nonetheless, like the fox, it’s also extremely fluid and adaptable. We must learn to observe ourselves with swift wit and ingenuity so that we begin to be free from our own constraints, and start to gain a foothold on the next level.

The deer represents the next higher level of sensitive energy, teaching ourselves the value of freedom. At this level we already have some limited independence from our pre-programmed personality: we can make real choices. Compassionate and generous, the deer symbolizes pure heartedness and understanding, substantial basis for much of our inner work as we collect, contain and transform it into our soul. Once we start to feel fully present, we are able to reach into the next higher level: true consciousness, represented by the wolf.

This level of stillness and cognizance teaches us on how to be both fully ourselves – just like the confident wolf that symbolizes the power of our own insights and innate wisdom – and fully in touch with the world beyond ourselves – like the wolf’s mournful howl, primal and penetrating, used to locate family or to settle their territorial borders. Consciousness underlies and permeates everything everywhere; we can chose to explore and expand our own borders in this vast territory, unbounded yet immediate and substantive, by learning to let go of our Ego – ultimately making us Whole.

By emptying ourselves of “ourselves”, forgoing our egoism, and surrendering to the Whole, we are ready to immerse in the invigorating, and purifying forces of love and creative energy. The bear is the guide between the living world and the spirit world – that great provider, fearless defender of light, strong and courageous, symbolizing love. The bird represents the freedom of creative energy, our wondrous wanderer side, teaching us our own melody and empowering us with our own wings.

The predominant jade color is the main color for WAO 2020, symbolizing serenity and purity, wisdom gathered in tranquility and an ever-increasing and nurturing love.